The Case for a Creator consists of interviews with intelligent design advocates and Christian apologists who argue for the existence of a creator.

The Old Testament story of Abraham and the trials he endures. Commanded by God to lead his family to the promised land of Canaan with the promise that if he does so, his descendants will become a great and numerous tribe. His obedience, as well as that of his children and grandchildren, is severely tested as they prove their faith to God

Armstrong Cane (Ving Rhames) served 15 years in prison for manslaughter. Towards the end of his sentence, Armstrong reforms and finds God in his life. Now, out of prison, he serves God as the Pastor of his community church.

Prayers for Bobby: True story of Mary Griffith whose teenage gay son committed suicide due to her religious intolerance. Based on the book of the same title by Leroy Aarons.

The film is set in the end-times, when the earth has been taken over, and the mark of the Beast - an implant in the right hand or forehead - is being imposed upon the global population. Those who take the mark become part of 'The Community'; those who refuse to bear the mark are imprisoned and, after three weeks, beheaded.